Smoking is when you inhale and exhale smoke from burning plant material that’s rolled into a wrapper (cigarette). You light the end of the cigarette and pull smoke into your mouth through the other end. It travels down your airways, into your lungs and through your bloodstream to your brain and other organs. This piece focuses on smoking tobacco cigarettes, but you can also smoke cigars, pipes, marijuana (weed/pot) or herbal cigarettes. 
Initiatives that have worked to tackle TII: Increasing the Legal age to buy tobacco products uniformly to at least 21 years is the answer Special media campaigns to make youth aware of TII, which are more effective when done in educational institutes and families are involved. Raising taxes leading to increased prices of tobacco/nicotine products leads to decreased youth use and non-smokers may not start using expensive products. Tobacco marketing to youth especially through social media needs to be curbed.
Common Fallacies or Myths Associated with Use of Electronic Nicotine Devices (ENDS) Popularly Called E-Cigarettes
Initiation and Addiction of Flavored Tobacco Products and
E-Cigarettes among Adolescents and Youth
Why organ Donation Needs to be Promoted All Over the World especially
in Countries with Poor Awareness?
Why organ Donation Needs to be Promoted All Over the World especially
in Countries with Poor Awareness?
Should the Novel Nicotine Products be Used for Harm Reduction
Why is it necessary to take Care of Weight Gain/Obesity when Managing a Case for Tobacco Cessation
Opinion on the Occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2022 June 28,2022
How Effective is the Act Prohibiting E-Cigarettes and Related Products in India
Tobacco smoking and blood pressure: How are they related among the Indians? –
A secondary analysis of National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-4 data
Should Ministry of Health ban manufacturing and sale of Electronic Nicotine Delivery
Systems (ENDS) popularly called E-cigarettes - result of an online poll
Exposure to second hand smoke and its correlates in Northern State of India
Is ban on smokeless tobacco products effective in controlling
the menace: a case study from Punjab, India
Shutting down of Shisha bars by the effective use of current legal provisions -
a case series from Punjab, India
Effective implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO framework convention
on tobacco control to curb tobacco industry interference
Exposure to second hand smoke and its correlates in Northern State of India
Compliance with smoke-free legislation and smoking behaviour:
observational field study from Punjab, India